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On the fourth of June 2022, Chimu’s Global Relationship Manager, James McAlloon, is setting off to complete what he started when the global pandemic hit in 2020; to walk coast to coast across Australia.

In 2020, James' original plan to trek from coast to coast was interrupted when COVID-19 outbreaks forced Western Australia to close its borders to non-residents. To complete his original mission, James decided to change course and walk the final 1,300 kilometres north to finish in Uluru instead.

Now that the borders have reopened, James is determined to complete his journey and walk through the remote areas of Western Australia and finally step foot onto the west coast thus completing his original quest. This trek will cover a total distance of 1702 kilometres, which James plans to complete in 6 weeks with his partner, Emma.

During this journey, James wants to give back to the communities that welcome him as he travels through their lands. He wants to work with an organisation that provides direct ground support and care to these communities. Therefore, James decided to use this journey to raise money and awareness for Purple House. He welcomes donations toward this very worthy cause. 

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Watch the first half of the journey



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Get updates from James and see how he is trekking to complete what he started when the global pandemic hit in 2020; to walk coast to coast across Australia.

James McAlloon

I grew up in Australia but have lived in the Americas, studying in Chile and working in Patagonia. I lived in the town of Chillan in Chile for 13 months studying Culture, Language and Literature at La Universidad de Bío Bío. From there, I moved to Punta Arenas in Patagonia to work in marketing and l

Purple House

Purple House is an innovative Indigenous-owned and run health service operating from its base in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Now operating 18 remote clinics and a mobile dialysis unit called the Purple Truck, Purple House is  getting patients back home so that families and culture can r


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